In this article, Notary Dr Carmelo Gafá and Dr Daniele Gafá evaluate the effectiveness of the ‘last habitual residence of the deceased’ criterion at homogenising conflict of law rules within the EU. The rest of the article can be found in Id-Dritt XXX. Carmelo Gafa’, Daniele Gafa’, ‘The merits or otherwise of the selection of […]

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Making a will during the COVID-19 pandemic

  • Ethan Brincat
  • 07/05/2020
  • 6 min read

In this article, Ethan Brincat examines how the COVID-19 pandemic, and the Public Health measures brought on by said pandemic, have affected the workload of Maltese notaries, and more specifically, how the procedure regulating wills has also been affected. Ethan Brincat, ‘Making a will during the COVID-19 pandemic’ (Online Law Journal, 7 May 2020). The […]

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Law of Succession: Capacity of the Testator to Make a Will

  • Natalino Caruana De Brincat
  • 31/08/2015
  • 18 min read

This article will shed light on the capacity to make a will under the Maltese Law of Succession. The author shall be delving into the salient principles of the law, along with an understanding of its interpretation by the courts. Natalino Caruana De Brincat, ‘Law of Succession: Capacity of the Testator to Make a Will’ […]

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