This article was originally submitted as a seminar paper as part of the CVL1024 and is being reproduced on the Online Law Journal with the author’s permission. In it, Miguel Mallia advocates for a novel and ethically driven banking framework, proposing a theoretical alternative to Fractional Reserve Banking. Miguel Mallia, ‘Financial Reserve Banking: An Insight […]

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This article was originally submitted as a seminar paper as part of the Philosophy of Law study-unit (CVL1024) and is being reproduced on the OLJ with the author’s permission. In it, Michael Spiteri explores the Broken Windows Theory which shaped policing and social policy in many American cities and beyond. Michael Spiteri, ‘Broken Windows Theory: […]

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This article was originally submitted as a seminar paper as part of the Philosophy of Law study-unit (CVL1024) and is being reproduced on the OLJ with the author’s permission. In it, Ella Micallef Darmenia delves into the intriguing realm of the representations of law in cinema, specifically examining how films can serve as predictive tools […]

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Does access to abortion clash with equality of rights?

  • Leighton John Demicoli
  • 28/10/2023
  • 14 min read

This article was originally submitted as a seminar paper as part of the Philosophy of Law study-unit (CVL1024) and is being reproduced on the OLJ with the author’s permission. In it, Leighton John Demicoli discusses the philosophical arguments in the abortion debate that can be used to logically support or refute abortion, as well as […]

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This article was originally submitted as a seminar paper as part of the Philosophy of Law study-unit (CVL1024) and is being reproduced on the OLJ with the author’s permission. In it, Thomas Cilia presents the two doctrines of legal monism and dualism in international law and explores their validity in today’s legal world. Thomas Cilia, […]

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Does the Foetus have a Right to Life?

  • Giuseppe Gatt
  • 06/02/2022
  • 14 min read

This article was originally submitted as a seminar paper as part of the Philosophy of Law study-unit (CVL1024) and is being reproduced on the OLJ with the author’s permission. In it, Giuseppe Gatt explores the ethical dimension of personality in relation to the foetus and the legitimacy or otherwise of abortion. Cite as: Giuseppe Gatt, […]

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