Gianella Farrugia, ‘Murder by Omission: Conċetta Decelis u Jason Decelis vs Il-Ministru tal-Ġustizzja et’ (Online Law Journal, 22 December 2014). Conċetta Decelis u Jason Decelis vs Il-Ministru tal-Ġustizzja et1 The following case deals with the proceedings held in front of the Civil Court First Hall in its Constitutional Jurisdiction following a claim by Conċetta Decelis […]

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Human Rights Feature

  • Michelle Camilleri
  • 22/12/2014
  • 10 min read

Michelle Camilleri and Gianella Farrugia, ‘Human Rights Feature’ (Online Law Journal, 22 December 2014). Micallef v. Malta (2009)1 In this case, the applicant Mr Micallef applied on behalf of his deceased sister alleging that she had been denied a fair hearing because of her lack of opportunity to make submissions before an independent and impartial […]

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