In this article, Professor Kevin Aquilina takes a look at Bill N.83 of 2018, which is proposing the creation of the Office of State Advocate, and the separation of functions of state prosecutor from those of legal advisor to Government. Kevin Aquilina, ‘The State Advocate Bill No. 83 of 2019: Acting in Breach of Malta’s […]

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The 2018 Constitutional Amendments

  • Ethan Brincat
  • 25/02/2019
  • 8 min read

In this article, Ethan Brincat discusses two pieces of legislation, Act IV of 2018 and Act XXII of 2018. Brincat discusses both the immediate changes brought by these legal acts, as well as the consequential aspect, and the context in which these changes were brought. Ethan Brincat, ‘The 2018 Constitutional Amendments’ (Online Law Journal, 25 […]

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Juridical Interest in Constitutional Proceedings

  • Tonio Borg
  • 17/02/2017
  • 27 min read

Tonio Borg, ‘Juridical Interest in Constitutional Proceedings’ (Online Law Journal, 17 February 2017). In Maltese procedural law, the juridical interest notion is engrained in our legal system, at least in civil law. In our system, to initiate proceedings and open a case before a court of law, plaintiff or applicant must prove juridical interest which […]

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