In this article, Danika Cutajar analyses the inconsistencies and anachronisms of the legal regime regulating the building and construction industry due to conflicting public and civil law regimes. It is an abridged version of the author’s LL.B. (Hons.) dissertation and reflects the legal position obtaining at 30th August 2022. Danika Cutajar, ‘Practical Failures in Maltese […]

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Issues Surrounding the Redemption of a Perpetual Emphyteusis

  • Andrew Sciberras
  • 09/04/2022
  • 8 min read

In this article, Andrew Sciberras speculates on potential issues that could arise upon the redemption of a perpetual emphyteusis which have rarely been the subject of court judgments. Andrew Sciberras, ‘Issues Surrounding the Redemption of a Perpetual Emphyteusis’ (Online Law Journal, 9 April 2022). 1. Introduction The institute of emphyteusis is one of the remnants […]

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Basic Principles on Trust in Maltese Law

  • Anton Micallef
  • 22/12/2014
  • 26 min read

Anton Micallef, ‘Basic Principles on Trust in Maltese Law’ (Online Law Journal, 22 December 2014). This article is intended to set out the key principles regulating and establishment of a trust governed by Maltese Law (Malta Trust). This piece was neither conceived nor has it been written with the view to be a treatise on […]

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Actio Surrogatoria: Anthony Micallef vs Paul Balzan

  • Michelle Camilleri
  • 22/12/2014
  • 3 min read

Michelle Camilleri, ‘Actio Surrogatoria: Anthony Micallef vs Paul Balzan’ (Online Law Journal, 22 December 2014). The facts are as follows: By means of a promise of sale (konvenju) dated 10 May 1993, Paul Balzan and Richard Camilleri promised Anthony and Raymond Farrugia a portion of land in Zebbug, divided into plot 1 and 2. On […]

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