Following our partnership with the prestigious law firm Fenech and Fenech, GhSL is proud to present HACKED- a Cyber Crime Moot Court, the first of its kind 🥳
This event is open to ALL law students, including first years who would like to jump head first into their studies and gain more practical experience. 💅
We are looking for teams of 2 ready to take on a fresh challenge. A substantive and procedural overview will be given to the applicants by Fenech and Fenech’s own experienced lawyers. 👨🎓
Why should you apply? This event allows the law student to gain a more practical grasp of the profession, including the opportunity to learn from the best, present their case in front of an actual judge and additionally be given a participation certificate which looks great on an upcoming lawyer’s CV! Moreover the winner will be given a great prize! 🏆
The competition’s will take place as follows: Preliminary Round 28th of October Finals 7th November
So what are you waiting for? Places are very limited so apply ASAP using the Google Forms link !! 🏃💨