EST. 1943

This Is Us

Welcome to GħSL


Għaqda Studenti Tal-Liġi (Malta Law Students’ Society) is a faculty-based non-profit organisation at the University of Malta representing all law students. GħSL was founded by a group of law students back in 1943, led by Joseph Ganado, later Professor of Civil law and Dean of the Faculty of Laws.

Every year, law students are given the opportunity to elect students to head the organisation, as well as class representatives from every year in order to maintain the best possible communication between students, the Society, and the Faculty.

GħSL is also responsible for publishing scholarly legal articles in its annual Id-Dritt publication, as well as on the Online Law Journal. Id-Dritt, first released in 1944, remains the most recognised and prestigious forum for local as well as international jurists to contribute to the discussion of various topics.

Michael Spiteri

President - The office of the President is responsible for the day-to-day running of the organisation. It ensures that the goals set for the respective academic term are achieved and leads the organisation in the direction best suited to do so. The guiding role of the President is crucial in order to assist the other officers to make the most out of their position.

Miguel Mallia

Vice-President - This year, the office of Vice-President is concerned with managing and overseeing academic projects within the executive and assisting the President and Secretary General in all things to do with the administration and general running of the organisation.

Jake Schembri

Secretary General - The Secretary General keeps the organisation running smoothly and efficiently, tackling any problems that may arise and assisting the other officers. Together with the President and Vice-President, the Secretary General helps guide the organisation and achieve its goals.

Marcus Borg

Financial Officer - The financial office manages the finances of the organisation by keeping track of its income and controlling its expenditure. It is also tasked with preparing financial reports and developing budgets thereby ensuring the smooth-running of the organisation.

Aleysia Saliba

Public Relations Officer - The public relations officer aims to create and maintain a positive public image for individuals and the organisation as a whole. They craft media releases and develop social media programs to shape the public perception of the organisation and to increase awareness of its goals all while forming relationships with other organisations, students and external companies. This officer seeks to uphold and improve the organisation's image off and online

Sean Azzopardi

Academic Officer - The academic sector of the organisation is one of its strongest assets. The officer’s main focus is to organise several informative events with the aim of helping students with their studies and any challenges that the law course might bring. The law course can be tricky, but it’s the Academic Officer's job to streamline the process and address any issues the students may have.

Ryan Caruana

International Officer - Last year this office was effected greatly due to the Covid-19 pandemic, however this scholastic year, it's back with a bang! This office plans international events by scouting and discussing all available locations, universities, accommodation, flights and activities, both for the leisure trips, as well as for the academic exchanges.

Michela Busuttil

Moot Court Officer - A ‘moot court’ is a competition where law students tackle an imaginary case as if they were the lawyers. This is taken care of by this officer, through workshops related to court proceedings, or an imitation of whole court cases in relation to different areas of the law. Therefore, this ensures that law students are practicing their litigation skills before they have to do so in their career.

Jaylee Vella

Leisure Officer - The Leisure office makes sure that GħSL is more than just academics. This role is there to create social interaction between the organisation and students, but most importantly between the students themselves. The tasks of the office include organisation of parties, live ins, drive in cinemas, and other countless social events.

Ħaley Xuereb

Policy Officer - The Policy office is well-known for its annual Policy Paper which is generally centred around predominant topics within the legal sphere. Besides this, the office also focuses on the 'Taħdita Legali', which creates a platform open for debate regarding controversial matters.

Sarah Pisani

Marketing Officer - When it comes to sponsorships and branding, this Office is the one to look out for. Working hand in hand with each of the other offices, the office is able to bring sponsors and pre-set designs to fruition for all events and the organisation as a whole. Ultimately, the goal is for GħSL to keep a fresh and modern look while retaining its professional image.

Adele Gatt Livori

Publications Officer - The Publications office is responsible for the editing and publication of the leading law journal in Malta: the highly-esteemed 'Id-Dritt'. It also takes care of the 'Online Law Journal', an GħSL initiative for students to have their articles published on our website for easy access.

Mateo Borg Conti

Resources Officer - The Resources Office is responsible for managing every aspect of the organisation's informative and/or academic publications such as notes, passed down notes, and handbooks. The office's main purpose is to publish these notes and publications which serve to be advantageous to both the student and the legal professional alike.

Kim Tabone

Legal Aid Officer - The Legal Aid Office within GhSL exemplifies the organisation's belief that active contribution to our community is an essential value within today's society. The office endeavours to organise and participate in initiatives to better our community such as charity events, mental health campaigns, activities of a coluntary nature, and environmental welfare. It is this office which is at the heart of our organisation's attempt to give back to our community!

Leon Bartolo

Student Support Officer - The Student Support Officer assists students with day-to-day University life, providing guidance on academic matters, campus resources, and personal challenges. This office serves as the primary point of contact for student queries, ensuring continuous support throughout students' studies.